
Welcome. This blog is about transformation. Transforming. Yes, changing form. Like alchemy.  Like cooking or making crepes on New Year's Day. The egg changes form from a gooey golden glob into an deliciously yummy confection.  

I have been on a quest to transform my-self, my life, everything over the past years. How long ago did this start? Hmmm, at least the past 7 years. I think my entire life has been a journey of trans-forming. I have been through various phases, travels, and journeys, all to continue expanding my awareness and improving my self. Or the Self? 

Although my New Year's 2014 started with Crepes Flambé, adding even more elements into the mix, with fire and flames. 

Through journaling and listening to my inner self, practicing lots of yoga, and meditation, I have been following my guidance on what do I do next, and going to where that inner voice has been leading me. As a result, I am now clear on my life purpose.  

There have been so many coincidences and one off happenings, which have occurred and have contributed to making my life this amazing interconnected jigsaw puzzle, like Shicksal the German term, for fate...

Now I am full on ready and proceeding with my work. The work I have created for myself and my team, in healing the world through music. We are doing this by creating wonderful uplifting concerts at beautiful and sacred world heritage sites around the globe.

That, my friend, is the transformation. I have become the person who is now able and ready to do this. Before I had a dream, and now the dream has become a theory, and we are working together to turn that theory into a fact.

Stay tuned, and be sure to sign up for my mailing list to keep informed about new locations where events are being produced!

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