156 Live Music Events I Have Put On

Here are some events that I've produced and helped to make successful in one or another way, that have helped me get ready to do this!

You can check them out 

here on this PBI EventBrite Link

Since 2007, starting with the amazing and super fun English Beat Ska Dance Craze Party that I put on, at the now demolished Avalon Night Club in Sunnyvale, CA

From learning how to set up and promote an event on EventBrite (when it was relatively brand new! and there were only a few people working there, and only a few features on the service!), to finding out what a stage plot was (LOL, the venue owner thought I was crazy, when he asked me for the band's stage plot, and I looked at him, and asked, "what is that?", to learning how to embed HTML code and promote with e-flyers and on MySpace (yes, that event was promoted back in the MySpace days!!), to attending any event I could, meeting, networking, and promoting to everyone I came into contact with... whew that was my first experience as an event promoter and producer.  At the end of the night, the club owner told me that I was a good promoter. :)  I was off to a confident start!

To the second event I did, two months later, and one of my favorites to this day, at my now friend and team member, Neela's former Indian Restaurant, Temptations. Temptations and The Genie, Live Music and Dinner.

Neela and me 

To the Sunnyvale Pet Parade, which we produced, organized and made happen, for the Mayor of the City of Sunnyvale. At that time, I was helping the Sunnyvale Downtown Association, to promote and produce events, and the mayor at the time, Tony Spizziri, wanted us do a Halloween Pet Parade! So, we did!  We had a very very successful first year event, and even a more successful second year.

To the first International Jazz Day Event in 2012, Point Richmond, one of my favorite and most memorable, events we did.  It was right after I met Madame Irina Bokova, the Director General of UNESCO, at a San Francisco World Affairs Council event, and right prior to Jan Cercone and I travelling to Paris to meet with UNESCO folks and talk with them about music and sound and events.

We had 3 bands perform at the outdoors stage, and a lovely ensemble performing indoors, at the Song & Spirit Center.  The opening act was UC Critt Entertainment, smooth grooves of jazz fromChicago.

Followed by San Francisco Latin Jazz Society, 
the percussion and horns of great sultry Latin Jazz beats.

Headlined by Doug Ellington and A New Urban Groove, making a special appearance to honor the Birthday of Duke Ellington and celebrate International Jazz Day.

The Jazz Day Event offered attendees to experience energy healing modalities, to lay on and experience the sound healing table, set up under a tree near the stage.  Participants were in heaven.

Kathy Rule, facilitates Energy Medicine and performs Access Bars healing modality to Diane V,who is our World Wide Director of the International Heritage Sites On Location. Diane has already travelled to over 300 World Heritage Sites, and has seen and visited some amazing places!!

Event attendees could sample sound healing and energy healing, as well as soak up the great music!!

To our Open House Launch Event for the PBI Wellness Division, where I introduced Kathy Rule, Director of the PBI Wellness Division, and event attendees were invited to sample various energy healing and sound healing modalities.

Bruce Manaka played the singing bowls and didgeridoo. Bruce Manaka giving event goers a experience with the magic of feeling the didgeridoo...

Bruce Manaka, sound healer, and creative artist, playing the crystal bowls for event attendees...
As always, we had an amazing team of event ambassadors to service the guests and make it special.

Guests received energy healings... 

To my second annual International Jazz Day Event held at Chez Berlue in San Francisco 2013...

My amazing events team!!

Le Hot Club San Francisco, sexy hot jazz strings and voices...

Charming French cafe jazz from the Left Bank Trio!

My supporters from the Silicon Valley Convention Visttors Bureau
and Pablo Castro, President of the United Nations Association of
San Francisco who spoke on culture and jazz!

Event supporter Susan Muscarella Founder and CEO of Jazz School Berkeley, 
who spoke on jazz and education and brought a teen jazz ensemble to 
kick off the event!

To most recently, the amazing and successful Healing Music Festival, 

I put on in October 2014, in Los Gatos, CA

My amazing Event Ambassadors in the morning...

                                       My amazing Event Ambassadors in the afternoon.

Labyrinth with guided labyrinth walks for guests.

The beautiful grounds at the Event Presentation Center, provided the perfect setting 
for a warm and wonderful day of healing and awakenings.

Amazing energy medicine sessions for attendees.

Sound healing and meditation in the beautiful Redwood Amphitheatre.

Incredible healings taking place... 

High energy music from Cyclub performing on the Redwood Stage next to the pond.

Didgeridoo played over participants...

An amazing day, of healing and insights for all.

There have been many yoga, reggae, and summer series concert events in between that I have either booked, promoted or produced, marketed or social networked, in some capacity, I have been involved with the success for all of these 156 events, and even more. I found out what works and what doesn't work, I learned and continue to learn through getting out there and doing it!!

Little did I know, I was learning, and practicing, what I'd need for the next BIG STEP... Producing events on a world wide scale.


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