My Mission and Intention for World Heritage Site Events

The Mission:

Healing the World Through Music – 

One event at a time, we provide quality music entertainment in the form of international performing arts groups with the intention of creating community as we are raising World Heritage awareness.

Event attendees will have a memorable, life changing experience. They will have the opportunity to experience live music in the wonderful settings of UNESCO World Heritage Sites and contribute to conservation and preservation of the World Heritage Sites.

Attendees will enjoy music from the most talented live performances of this day, with a line up of local musicians, bands, and performing artists in addition to world renown international acts.

Event goers have the opportunity to purchase artist CD’s, to sample sponsor products, experience great live music in incredible settings, and learn about sponsor products and services.

“It is the duty of the international community as a whole to cooperate in the protection of World Heritage - please join us in this noble task.”

Kishore Rao
Director of the
World Heritage Center

My Intention:

Donating to World Heritage Fund --

I intend to increase membership of the UNESCO World Heritage Centre through awareness and participation created via events that we produce. Event attendees will be encouraged to become a member of the World Heritage Centre and to make a donation to the World Heritage Fund via the UNESCO website

The current membership of the World Heritage Centre is 101,985 and when I first became clear that this was my project in life, that was in November 2012, membership was at 91,352. Membership increased by 10,633 members over 30 months, which is 355 members per month. I had absolutely nothing to do with that membership increase.

Going forward, with producing my events, blogging about World Heritage, travelling to the sites and organizing concerts, I believe that I will help increase that membership amount tenfold. I set my own goal to help increase World Heritage Centre membership by 3,000 people per month. That means 36,000 new members a year.  Totally do-able.  As opposed to the current rate of increase, based on the past 2-3 years, of 4,260 members per year.

When you become a member and you donate to the UNESCO World Heritage Centre, you will receive this cool map of all the World Heritage Sites!

'UNESCO is a non-profit intergovernmental organization. Contributions to UNESCO’s World Heritage Centre—made by individuals like you—are used for projects implemented by experts to protect World Heritage sites around the world.'

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